By Veronica Peerless

Published: Thursday, 21 April 2022 at 12:00 am

Sowing a lawn from seed is the best way to ensure that you have a lawn that is perfectly suited to the conditions in your garden. It means that you can choose the exact grass seed mix for your needs – do you want bowling green look, a football pitch for the kids, somewhere for the dog to run around on, or a lawn that will thrive in a shady spot?

Which type of grass seed is best for my lawn?

Ryegrass is the most common grass seed. It’s versatile, tough and hard-wearing, so is ideal if you have lots of guests, kids or dogs. A coarse, fast-growing grass, it will grow on most soil types and in most conditions. It’s also better at keeping weeds at bay. It germinates in cool conditions and is best left to grow a little longer – around 4cm high.

Fescue is also a versatile grass that is finer than ryegrass, giving a thicker, more abundant look. 

Bentgrass is a fine grass that can be mown very short (around 1cm high) for an immaculate look. It’s delicate, so is often mixed with fescue to make it more hardwearing and weed-resistant.

Many lawn seed mixes include a mix of two or even three types of seed.

Sow grass seed in spring or autumn, when the soil is warm and there should be some rainfall to keep it moist. Prepare the area well before sowing – ensure that the soil is level and free of weeds, and rake it to a fine tilth. 

We’ve rounded up some of the best lawn seed mixes, which you can use to create a new lawn from scratch, or to ‘overseed’ an existing thin or patchy lawn. You may want to cover the freshly sown area with fleece to protect it from birds.

The best grass seed for your lawn


Miracle-Gro EverGreen Fast Grass Lawn Seed



Miracle-Gro EverGreen Fast Grass Lawn Seed is said to germinate in just four days in optimum conditions. It contains Headstart Gold, Miracle-Gro’s revolutionary grass seed coating that holds nutrients that stimulate the seed to develop and grow. Watersmart grass technology grows strong roots for optimum absorption of water and nutrients. This lawn seed mix contains professional grade seed for the best results, and is suitable for all lawn types. It is child and pet friendly. A 840g pack is suitable for a 7m x 4m (or 28 square metre) area of lawn.